Universities businesses and companies - Together we can!

11 Aug 2014 | Network Updates
Strategic Inter-sectorial Partnerships for Economic and Social Change and Growth

The European Commission in cooperation with the Italian Rectors' Conference organize an international forum on: “Universities, Businesses and Co: Together We Can. Strategic Inter-sectorial Partnerships for Economic and Social Change and Growth” which will take place in Rome on 2nd and 3rd October 2014, and is included in the official agenda of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.  

Over the one and half days a group of multi-disciplinary internationally recognized scholars and researchers representing the field of entrepreneurial education and higher education institutions; representatives of business associations and CEOs of large and small-medium companies; relevant Italian and European institutions, authorities as well as other stakeholders will come together to discuss on the need for closer and most diversified cooperation and exchange between the academia and the business worlds.  

Crossing disciplinary and sectorial boundaries has proven to promote change and development; the involvement of external stakeholders in teaching and research, in the leadership and organization of universities to be advantageous and beneficial for higher education institutions, industries and enterprises, students, local and national economies and society alike.

Specifically, universities which have been recognized to have a crucial role through quality education in preparing graduates for the job market and motivate them to engage in entrepreneurial activities as entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs are called to drive innovation and growth. However, not alone. They need to open up to closer and broader partnerships and work together with different actors so to contribute to the implementation of sustainable local development strategies and actions.  

Never before there has been a greater need for talented and enterprising workforce. The economic and social prosperity of Europe and all the Member States depend upon a strong knowledge-based economy with highly skilled, initiative and entrepreneurial human resources.

The forum will be structured around the following round tables:

- Rethinking and opening up education: New and innovative approaches for delivering education more suitable to prepare graduates for the job market and to continuing education, upgrading and requalification of employees.  

- Business creation and employability: Quality education and entrepreneurial skills boost growth and competitiveness. Which transversal skills can be taught in cooperation with enterprises to strength employability, creativity and new professional paths.  

- Strategic alliances and the creation of ecosystems: The role of the public sector, of enterprises and universities in the implementation of local smart specialization strategies for a greater impact on regional development.

In addition, the forum will host two high level panel discussions. The first will investigate the most marketable skills of the perfect graduate able to compete in the global market and on how universities can provide the right mindset, knowledge, skills and motivation to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The second will focus on the development of a corporate culture within HE institutions and how they can engage and improve their cooperation with external stakeholders for a stronger impact on innovation and growth.  

Two coffee break sessions will be also organized. Short presentations will be given on practices of University-Business cooperation such as the Knowledge Alliances (the European Erasmus+ programme scheme that supports UB cooperation) and examples of innovative teaching delivery and programmes (industrial doctorates) and digital technologies (like MOOCs). As well as a presentation of HEInnovate, the new online self-assessment tool developed at the initiative of the EC and the OECD for HEIs looking for advice on how to become more entrepreneurial.   

For the programme, practical information and registration please visit the forum webpage at:


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